The other day I was watching a cooking show (I ♥ me some cooking shows), and the lady-chef-host made some hummus…with yogurt!

So, it doesn’t seem weird, right? I mean, it’s not that far-fetched. I had never thought of it though! It seemed like such a great replacement for tahini, which can be expensive. Ok, yogurt doesn’t taste like tahini, but it does give the hummus a tangy-ness that is very nice.

I gave it a go.

I threw a tin of chickpeas and some of their juice into the old blender, along with a handful of fresh coriander and about 1/4 cup of greek yogurt…maybe more. I added some lemon juice and garlic powder and blitzed until smooth, adding a little olive oil as I went to loosen things up.

And behold! It was DELICIOUS! I highly recommend using yogurt in hummus! I baked some pitta chips to go along with it–I sprayed the cut pitta bread with olive oil spray, sprinkled with salt, smoked paprika, and dried mint, and then baked for about 15 minutes at 170 degrees C. The perfect accompaniment

Homemade yogurt hummus and pitta chips

Oh, and my son loved it too…Hummus-BONUS.

2 responses »

  1. riotflower says:

    I’m excited he liked it! Sounds like a delicious snack! : * )

  2. Young Wifey says:

    Sounds yummy! What a great treat for him!

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